Big Sky Trust Fund (BSTF)
The BSTF is a state-funded grant and loan program that provides funding for job creation projects (75 percent of funds) and economic development organizations for planning (25 percent of funds). BSTF may provide grant or loan funding to local or tribal governments to assist with the reimbursement of eligible expenses associated with a company's creation of net new jobs. Companies may receive up to $5,000 for each eligible new job created or up to $7,500 for each eligible new job created in a high-poverty county.
New or Expanding Industry Tax Abatement
A new or expanding manufacturing company that earns 50 percent or more of gross income from out-of-state sales may be eligible for a tax abatement. The abatement, which must be approved by the local governing body, reduces the taxable valuation of business property by either 50 percent or 75 percent for the first five years of business operation. The taxable value increases after five years by 20 percent each year to 100 percent taxable value in the tenth year.
Primary Sector Workforce Training Program
The program is a state-funded workforce training program that provides companies up to $5,000 per net new full-time job created for documented training expenses. Companies must meet minimums for number of hours worked and thresholds for employee compensation. Part-time employees may qualify for a grant of up to $2,500 per employee.
Notice: This list of economic development incentive programs is intended to provide a high-level overview of commonly pursued state discretionary programs. A comprehensive analysis of project details will determine the full scope of state and local incentive programs that may be available to support a specific project.