BlueCap Services

Site Selection
BlueCap assists companies in developing and executing comprehensive site selection processes, whether due to the need to relocate, expand, enter new markets, or consolidate facilities. We start by deeply understanding your business objectives and investment goals. We then assess potential locations based on critical factors, which may include:
Workforce: Evaluating availability, cost, skills, and educational infrastructure.
Transportation Infrastructure: Analyzing access to highways, airports, rail, and ports.
Proximity to Suppliers and Markets: Considering location relative to suppliers, customers, and other company facilities.
Real Estate: Assessing availability, cost, and timing of potential sites.
Tax Structure: Reviewing state and local tax environments for cost and stability.
Utilities: Ensuring availability, reliability, redundancy, and cost efficiency.
Telecommunications: Evaluating connectivity, speed, and fiber access.
Incentives: Quantifying potential impacts on initial capital investment and ongoing operational costs.
Government Regulation: Understanding the political environment and permitting processes.
Quality of Life: Considering factors that affect employee recruitment and retention.
We aim to identify the location that best aligns with your strategic business objectives while offering the greatest financial and operational success potential.