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Job Tax Credit (JTC)
JTC provides a tax credit of up to $4,000 per job created for companies located in certain targeted industries. The amount of tax credit is determined based on the number of new jobs and the location of the project.

Quality Jobs Tax Credit (QJTC)
The QJTC is a tax credit for jobs that pay higher-than-average wages. It can give Georgia companies a significant tax break and help drive growth. The Quality Jobs Tax Credit rewards companies for creating at least 50 new jobs in a 12-month period provided wages for new jobs are at least 10% higher than the county average wage. Companies may apply QJTC against 100% of state corporate income tax liability, and excess tax credits may be applied to offset state payroll withholding. Unused tax credits may be carried forward for ten years. New jobs that do not meet the requirements for the QJTC may count toward Job Tax Credits if they meet the eligibility requirements for that program separately.

Mega Project Tax Credit
This tax credit is available to projects that create at least 1,800 net new jobs and make a capital investment of at least $450 million or have a minimum annual payroll of at least $150 million.

The tax credit is up to $5,250 per new job per year for the first five years of each net new job. Companies may apply tax credits against state corporate income tax, and excess tax credits may be applied to offset payroll withholding. Unused tax credits may be carried forward for ten years.

Quick Start Employee Training
Provides customized training for new employees in skill-based jobs at no cost to qualifying companies. Quick Start is provided to companies for future use and provides training space, instructors, and all needed materials related to the program.

Retraining Tax Credit
Companies may receive a tax credit of 50% of their direct training expenses, with up to $500 credit per full-time employee, per training program. The maximum annual tax credit is $1,250 per employee. Eligible expenses include costs of instructors and teaching materials, employee wages during retraining, and reasonable travel expenses.

Retraining tax credits can be used to offset up to 50% of Georgia corporate income tax liability. Excess tax credit exceeds may be carried forward for up to ten years. Training programs must be designed to enhance quality and productivity or teach certain software technologies. To qualify for the credit, the Technical College System of Georgia must approve retraining expenses.

Notice: This list of economic development incentive programs is intended to provide a high-level overview of commonly pursued state discretionary programs. A comprehensive analysis of project details will determine the full scope of state and local incentive programs that may be available to support a specific project.

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